Slide Tackling:
There is a debate on within the youth soccer community as to when to teach, or even to teach, slide tackling. At many youth, recreation levels, slide tackling is not permitted due to the risk of injury, both to the tackler, and the one being tackled. This is generally because slide tackling is not taught, or taught very little and therefore the execution of this technique is poor, to say the least.
Since slide tackling is part of the game and sooner or later your kids are going to try it, it is probably better if they are taught the right way to do it. Remember a slide tackle is not a first defending option. If you defend properly, position yourself well, anticipate the attackers movements then you will never have to leave your feet. That said...
The basics of slide tackling are as follows:
First off, there are many types of slide tackle (near-foot, hook-slide, slide-tackle trap). We're just going over the basics.
Watch The Ball
When an attacker is running at you with the ball, it's difficult not to concentrate on her body movements. Doing so, however, could cost you a tackle.
More than a few flashy forwards have juked a defender out of her socks while only nominally touching the ball. Such situations, however, can be avoided by keeping your eyes on the ball. If someone is trying to dribble by you and she's coming right at you, you've got to watch the ball. No matter where the attacker's body moves -- she can go right, she can go left -- the ball always sits still.
Don't Tackle Unless It's Necessary
The best place for a defender to be is on her feet, not on the ground, and so one should resist the temptation to leap at an opponent's ankles any time the opportunity presents itself. It's better to contain the forward and prevent her from penetrating. You should also try to work with your fellow defenders to close off the attack without direct confrontation.
If you are the last line of defense, it is particularly important to remain upright. If your slide-tackle fails, your opponent's path to the goal will be clear. Any time you dive in, there's a chance of you getting beat. Even if you do dive in and get the ball, it can always bounce or deflect off the attacker and get by you.
Wait For Your Opponent To Separate From The Ball
As long as your opponent has the ball at her feet, she's in control -- a slide tackle could be a poor choice. Wait for her to knock it ahead two or three feet.
If you tackle when it's at her feet she can knock it away from you or dribble by you. When she separates from the ball, you can cut in front of her without tackling. And that's perfect because you can keep playing. If you need to tackle, wait for her to separate from the ball, then hook her.
Timing is the crucial ingredient, both for safety and effectiveness. But the quality of the timing is elusive. The most important thing is to get your timing down. If you don't have the right timing, your opponent is going to run right by you. Developing timing requires constant practice, but because training sessions rarely emphasize tackling, games offer the best training ground. Kids always want to practice slide-tackling, but it is not really something you can do in practice. The more you do in a game, better you'll get at it.
Be Decisive
Every time a high level player tries to complete a tackle, she takes the attitude that she is going to get the ball and crush the forward. That's the way you have to think.
Mentality is important, especially at the highest level where the difference between success and failure can be confidence. Players can't hesitate, or they'll be beaten.
When you decide to go down, you have to go down. You can't think twice about it. If you go into a tackle halfway, you can get hurt. Decide 100 percent that you are going, then go.
Knowing when to go requires instinct built through experience, and it requires the ability to read the game.
Attack From An Angle
The best tackles come from an angle.
Coming in at an angle also allows the defender to strip an opponent from the ball
without tackling.
While racing alongside an opponent, wait for her to separate from the ball. Then step into her path, between her and the ball. Step right into her line. Now you've got the ball, and you can shield it. Chances are, she'll trip you or foul you because you've cut her off.
Tackling from behind isn't recommended. You're likely to get sent off. For every clean tackle from behind, there are four bad ones. Referees have been instructed for years to treat tackles from behind as violent conduct worthy of a red card. Don't Do It.
Slide-tackling from the front, with both feet, is another matter, and one referees rarely smile upon. Even if you get the ball, you'll get the player and usually a foul. It's dangerous don't do it.
Protect Yourself
The first law of slide-tackling concerns safety, and it begins with shinguards. Full guards may not be as comfortable as smaller models, but defenders don't really have a choice. Nor do they have a choice once the decision to tackle has been made. Don't take it easy! You must go all out.
Mechanics are important. Tacklers should keep their leg unlocked with a slight bend. Then when you get to the ball, extend your leg through it. Make sure you get the ball right on your shoelaces and swing your leg through it.
Give 'Em The Hook
The proper slide should make baseball managers proud -- it's a hook, on your side, with the extension of your leg through the ball. It's like a baseball slide. The only difference is you don't slide straight through. In soccer, you're running at an angle and sliding, hoping to land on your side. Then you try to swing your leg across and hook the ball.
It requires precision and resolution. Don't just put your foot out there, hoping the ball will hit you as your opponent trips over you. Make sure you swing through it.
Try to control it, clear it, or try to kick it away from the opponent.
Get The Ball
This is most important. If you don't get the ball. Your goalkeeper will likely be picking the ball out of the back of the net in a matter of moments. Make sure you get the ball. You can get the ball first and then go through the player. Or don't. Tackling doesn't require a defender to strip the ball from her opponent. Sometimes just getting in the way is enough. If an attacker is running down the wing, she's running full speed, and you know at that speed she can't cut it back. You know she is going to cross it. Sometimes if you stick out your leg, you're not going to block it. If you slide and lift your leg, you can block the pass.
Control Your Emotions
Professional fouls are part of the game, mere moves in a chess match. And although players can become frustrated and tempers can flare, one should never take it out on an opponent. It's important that you control your emotions. Never go out to hurt somebody because you're looking to be thrown out of the game, and that's stupid.
In many ways tackling is an instinctive play. But instincts can be developed. The most important factor to a successful tackle is to be determined.
Since you've read through all of that...
Here is some video evidence of a great tackler. Steven Gerrard -- Captain of Liverpool FC. Being a tough tackler is part of his soccer personality. It's amazing to watch how determined he is and how hard he works to make his tackles. He is a true natural.
Stick around till the end to see other parts of his soccer personality -- long range shooting & game winning goals.
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